
Showing posts from November, 2016

Who compile Abu Dawood?

الحافظ سليمان بن الأشعث السجستاني المعروف بأبي داود Hafiz Suleman bin al Asha'as al sajistani al ma'aroof Abi Dawood Get True Knowledge

Who compile Sehi Muslim?

الجامع الصحيح للامام ابى الحسين مسلم بن الحجاج ابن مسلم القشيرى النيسابوري Al Imam Abi Al Husain Muslim bin Alhajjaj ibne Muslim Al Qushairi Al Nisaburi Get True Knowledge

Who Compile Sehi Bukhari?

الشيخ الإمام الحافظ أبو عبد الله محمد بن إسماعيل بن إبراهيم بن المغيرة البخاري رحمه الله Imam Hafiz Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin al Mughirah Al Bukhari Get True Knowledge

What is Physics?

WHAT IS PHYSICS? The word physics originates from the Greek word meaning nature. Physics is, therefore, the science dealing with the study of nature and various natural phenomena. The study of physics leads to the research of such things as laws of motion, the structure of space and time, the nature and type of forces that hold different materials together, the interaction between different particles the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter and so on.

What are advance branches of Physics?

WHAT ARE BRANCHES OF PHYSICS? 1. NUCLEAR PHYSICS           This branch of physics is concerned with atomic nuclei. Nuclear physics is related to neutrons and protons which form the nuclei of atom called nucleons, their structure, energy state, reaction between nuclei and radioactivity, for example, nuclear fusion, nuclear fission and nuclear forces. 2. PARTICLE PHYSICS            IT is that imporotant branch of physics which is deals with the ultimate particles of which the matter is compossd iff, Particle physics is related with understanding the properties and behaviour of elementary particles. 3. RELATIVISTIC MECHANICS It is that branch of physics which deals with velocities approaching that of light. Relativistic mechanics is concerned with the elementary particles related to special theory of relativity and describe motion of particles having velocities close of light.  4. SOLID STATE PHYSICS      It is that...

Who compile tirmizi?

لجامع الصحيح سنن الترمذي الترمذي 1/5 لا توجد أخطاء اسم الكتاب : الجامع الصحيح سنن الترمذي الاسم المختصر : سنن الترمذي تصنيف الكتاب : متن/سنن اسم المؤلف : محمد بن عيسى الكنية : أبو عيسى اللقب والنسب : الترمذي السلمي ت. الميلاد : 209 ت. الوفاة : 279 Muhammad bin Isa Abu Isa Tirmizi For my whole blog study... Click following hyperlink                             Get True Knowledge


Books Mulims most authentic Book is Qura'an. Its not only book but Conversatitoin Of ALLAH. Second these six books are Holy Prophet Sayings which of them on first no is Sehi Bukhari Second is Sehi Muslim And among these, these four are also popular like Abu Dawaud Sunan Nasai Tirmizi Ibn e Maja Tafseer ibne Kaseer For my whole blog study... Click following hyperlink                             Get True Knowledge


WHAT IS AIDS? Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Picture of the AIDS Virus It first detected in 1983. Aids is a lentivirus which means "Slow Virus". It belongs to the retrovirus family. It is found in chimpanzees and gorillas in which is called "Simian Immunodeficiency Virus" shortly SIV. If you caught by aids. don't worry. Islam has cured. The holy prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h said God has not created any disease which Thy who created medicine. In another saying Clone seed is the cure of each and every type of disease like last stage cancer and AIDS


 Aids spread by first unsafe sex, blood to blood, infected syringe and infected surgical instruments. Beware all these. and then step further.


HIV or AIDS is calculated by CD 4 T calculations. Cluster differentiation glycoprotien placed upper side of immune cells.. They also called T helper cells . They are different in kind like monocytes, macrophages and dendritic etc. CD 4 or T Helper are kind of white blood cells that fight AIDS virus and their counting tells about how patient indulge into  AIDS


HOW AND WHAT IS LIFE? ANSWER Life A set of characteristics that's differentiate between living and non living objects. LIVING OBJECTS; Are highly organized, complex entities and composed of many or minimum one cell having genetic program in their DNA they can control chemical reactions they responding their environment and also maintain own internal environment and the grow and they produce similar to them selves LIVING ORGANISMS PICTURES NON LIVING OBJECTS

True God, Allah, Creator.

Who creates the universe? God creates the universe. And sent messengers for mankind. To obey his right path. The last messenger of God is Muhammad p.b.u.h for all mankind to obey him is the duty of every person otherwise he/she sent to hell forever. The holy prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h said any jew or Christian (HIS meant any nonmuslim) listened that I am the last messenger and then does not believe upon me he is in Hell (forever). As all heavenly religion believes in God,  but stresses on believing last prophet, Muhammed. Every muslim belives in all prophets like Moses and Jesus. If some one believes in Moses or Jesus and does not believe in Muhammed he is not Muslim. similarly, one who believe Muhammed but not declare as the last prophet and don't disclose to others he is also nonmuslim. Qadiyani or Ahmidi and Bihai are not and never sects of Islam, they are non muslims.

How What atoms , theory evolved and current

HOW ATOMIC THEORY EVOLVED? DEFINITION AND CURRENT. Greek Philosophers: According to Greek philosophers, the matter can be divided into smaller and smaller particles, hence a basic smallest particle is obtained. Democritus: called these particles atoms. John Dalton: was an English school teacher. In 1808, he says that law of conservation of matter and law of definite proportions could be explained by the existence of the atom . He put the theory of the atom. According to him. All matter consists of atoms of elements of different kinds either are elements or compounds of consisting of different elements. Atom is a basic part of all matter.

Security Council | Kashmiri People

Security Council should notice atrocities in disputed Kashmir about firing with pellet guns on unarmed people. Many Kashmiri people had lost their eyesight and many of them had martyred brutally by Indian forces. This is not disputed territory but whole Jammu and Kashmir is part of Pakistan. Because if people of Kashmir give the right to vote, their choice in Pakistan. When partition was occurring, between India and Pakistan it was decided that every state given right to choose their country for ٓaffiliate. But brutal india occupy by force not only Jona garrh and manwa dar but also appoint army in Kashmir. security council should notice and Kashmiri people should be given their right