Laboratory Safety Techniques

Refer to these directions regularly. Follow them. They are meant for safety in the lab.
1.      The laboratory is no place to indulge in horseplay or fooling around. It is a place for serious scientific work.
2.      Never mix any chemicals unless you are absolutely certain of what the results will be. Mixing the wrong chemicals may cause injury.
3.     In handling or washing glassware, be extremely careful. Breakage is not only costly but may cause serious injury as well.
4.     Immediately report to the teacher anything unusual, such as broken, cracked, jagged-edged apparatus, or chemical reactions that appear peculiar.
5.     If any acid, dilute or concentrated, is spilt on your cloth, person or anywhere else, inform to the teacher or Lab Assistant immediately so that steps may be taken to prevent injury and damage.
6.     If any other chemical is spilt, inform the teacher.
7.     Make sure that you have read experiment directions before coming to the laboratory.
8.     Listen carefully to the teacher's directions before proceeding with any experiment. At the command of the teacher, for any reason, whatever, stop all work instantly! It may be you whom the teacher is trying to save from harm.


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