What is Reading | Kinds of Reading

There are mainly six types of reading
Loud Reading: This type of reading also known as oral reading. A model reading is given by the expert,  with correct pronunciation, rhythm and punctuation.
Silent Reading:  It is the most important type of reading. We all read faster than we speak. So silent reading is faster than loud reading. In usual we do not stop at punctuation marks. The movement of our eyes stops only in a difficult place.
Intensive Reading:  Intensive reading is kind of reading in which full understanding of the text with its arguments its symbolic, emotional and social overtones. Intensive reading enables to speak correctly, use language without any fear and hesitation. This kind of reading increase vocabulary. This kind of reading understands and command over the language.
Extensive Reading:  This kind of reading is called rapid reading or independent reading means read without any help. As in this type of reading a person read independently so he can study a novel or story and understand the theme quickly.
Supplement Reading:  This kind of study is between teacher and student. In this teacher, study likes an extensive reading but his role is to the student is intensively teach a lesson.
Library Reading:  The range of library reading is very vast. It is like the supplement of extensive reading. And done for enjoyment. It improves knowledge and proves information.
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