Number of Species | Phyletic Lineage

Phyletic lineage:

the simple meaning is the record of living things and plants from their roots to now timeTotal Number of Species:The total number of species are 1,500,000 of organisms, currently known to science. More than half of these are insects (53.1%) and other 17.6% (2,50,000) are vascular plants. Animals other than insect are 19.9% (281,000) species and 904% are fungi, algae, protozoa, and various other prokaryotes.This list is far from being complete. Various careful estimates place the entire range of species between five and thirty million. Out of there, only 1.5 million number of species have been identified so far.


According to scientists, life today has come to exist through phyletic lineages of the organisms living in past. This is only a theory and having none of the proofs. According to Religion God or ALLAH created the universe. When he wants this type of species should disappear from the earth. He Does. When He wants this species should create. So He creates.Phyletic Lineage:A biological process lineage is an associate degree unbroken series of species organized within the antecedent to descendant sequence with every late species having evolved from one that instantly preceded it. That was according to scientist which is only theory having no scientific proof and it is against any religion. God or ALLAH whenever He wants to create or disappear any kind of species. Scientist admires and says We have lacked the record because many organisms of past had not left their preserved record as fossils.


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