
Showing posts from October, 2018

Can we see an atom

Can we see an atom It is not possible to see the atoms, but the nearest possibility is its direct evidence with the help of the following techniques: Electron Microscope: An ordinary optical microscope is used to see the object of the size up to 500 nm. This microscope uses visible light.  The electron microscope uses beams of electrons. So it can measure the object of size nearly to the size of an atom. It can measure the size of an object more than 15 million times. X-Ray X-Ray diffraction pattern obtained from diffractometer has made us able to believe the existence of the atom Further study: Click it Get True Knowledge

Science units and their full abbreviation

#BASIC_SCIENCE_UNITS       #EVERYDAY_SCIENCE newton--------------------unit of work oersted-------------------unit of magnetic intensity ohm------------------------unit of electrical resistance poise----------------------unit of viscosity second-------------------unit of time volt------------------------practical unit of electric potential difference watt-----------------------unit of power weber---------------------unit of magnetic pole strength x.u------------------------unit of length expressing x-ray wavelength gy-gray-------------------absorbed radiation dose mole-----------------------amount of substance siemens-------------------electric conductance hertz---------------------frequency radian-------------------plane angle tesla---------------------magnetic flaux density pascal-------------------pressure sievert------------------radiation dose equivalent steradian----------------solid angle becquerel---------------activity of radionuclides rutherford--------------ra...

What is Metabolism | Anabolism | Catabolism

Definitions and about Metabolism, Anabolism and Catabolism are as follows. Metabolism: All the chemical reactions taking place within a cell are collectively called metabolism.  Metabolic processes are characterized as anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism: Those reactions in which simpler substances are combined to form complex substances are called anabolic reactions. Anabolic reactions need energy.  Catabolism: Energy is released by the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones; such reactions are called catabolic reactions. Anabolic and catabolic reactions go hand in hand in the living cell. Coordinated Metabolism: Complex molecules are broken down and the resulting smaller molecules are reused to form new complex molecules. Interconversions of carbohydrates, protiens, and lipids that occur continuously in living cells are examples of co-ordinated catabolic and anabolic activities. Get True Knowledge