What is Metabolism | Anabolism | Catabolism

Definitions and about Metabolism, Anabolism and Catabolism are as follows.
Metabolism: All the chemical reactions taking place within a cell are collectively called metabolism.  Metabolic processes are characterized as anabolism and catabolism.
Anabolism: Those reactions in which simpler substances are combined to form complex substances are called anabolic reactions. Anabolic reactions need energy. 
Catabolism: Energy is released by the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones; such reactions are called catabolic reactions. Anabolic and catabolic reactions go hand in hand in the living cell.
Coordinated Metabolism: Complex molecules are broken down and the resulting smaller molecules are reused to form new complex molecules. Interconversions of carbohydrates, protiens, and lipids that occur continuously in living cells are examples of co-ordinated catabolic and anabolic activities.
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