Filtration Through Filter Paper | Difficult Meaning

Filtration Through Filter Paper
Filtration by a glass funnel قیف and filter paper is usually a slow process. As the mixture is pouredانڈیلنا onto the filter paper, the solvent (water) passes through leaving behind the suspendedمعلق particles on the filter paper. Filter papers are available in a variety of porositiesباریک مسام یا سوراخ
(pore sizes). Which pore مسام size is to be used, dependsانحصار upon the size of particles in the precipitate. The filter paper should be large enoughکافی so that it is one-fourth to one-half full of precipitate at the end of filtration. The funnel should, in turn, be large enough for its rim درمیان to extend    1to 2 cm above the top circumferenceدائروی of the paper.If the process of filtration is to run smoothly, the stem of the funnel should remain continuously full of liquid as long as there is liquid in the conical portion. The stem of the funnel should be several inches long so that it can extendکنارہ a few centimetres down into the receiving beaker, and the tip should touch the side of the beaker. In this way, the filtrate runs down the side of beak without splashingچھڑکنا
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