How To Be Happy? | Way To Happiness

Be happy or induce happiness in the mind of a person depends on our behaviour but mostly depend on Fate.
First, believe in Oneness of Allah (God). Because polytheism makes frustration. If polytheist is happy in this world he will not be got ultimate happiness in second life.
Second, recognize your sadness cause may you truly believe in Allah but got sad. That may medically. Called depression. In this condition, you should consult a doctor.
If all is okay then there are following tips and my personnel experiences.
1) Ignore the mistakes of others, it could be peer I mean from your boss and may your employee.
2) Show patience to your circumstances.
3) Obey the laws formulated by divine or people I mean your country laws.
4) Meet in the depressive state an energetic and cheerful personality.
5) If you ill, take medicine according to your physician and act upon his bits of advice.
6) Be honest.
7) Give proper time to your spouse\wife and children. 
8) Share your frustration with your parents. they spent an extended period of life and have much experience than you.
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