Significant Figure( Easy)

Significant Figures
What is a Significant figure
Definition of significant figure
You are thinking that by reading the word significant figures that it means prominent singers, actors etc. but actually it is a term of physics. Which means the digits in a measurement which is measured by a piece of equipment and we sure about them.
We measure a line with a metering rod and get the reading 13.75.
This reading contains four significant figure which is 1, 3, 7, 5.
Rules of Significant figure
I           All numbers like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 area significant figure. 0 may or may not be a significant figure.
ii          0 between two significant figure is a significant figure.
Iii         0 to the left a significant figure is not a significant figure, for example, 0.0046 are only had tow significant figure which are 4, 6.
Vi        0 to the right side of a sign is a significant figure. For example, 4.60 have three significant figure similarly, 700 have three significant figure.
V         in Scientific notation, in which a digit contains 10 power raised ( any number ) are not a significant figure.   


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