Peace Agreements

Discourse to international peace agreements or treaties for resolving international disputes seems the best deal for peaceful world today. Much stress is laid on peace inviting agreements between the states as well as intra state forces. Nothing is like a just agreement between the conflicting parties. But the agreement to be just is the sole working ground for mediators as well as the contending parties. For no two parties to a dispute, may they be sates or intra state forces, are supposed to equally equipped to have its rightful demands and terms embodied in a proposed agreement. In the context of Israel-Palestine conflict under the title of Declaration of Principles it was once proposed that ‘imperfect peace’ is often the ultimate and only alternative to a ‘perfect war’. Which means in order to stop a war an imperfect and unjust peace agreement can be preferred. This slogan has been proved futile totally unworkable defeating the very purpose for which it was supposedly devised. For the world has witnessed at least two fierce examples to utmost failure of this slogan when after the peace agreement killings in Rwanda and killings in Angola have claimed millions of lives.


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