United Nations and United Ideologies.

United Nations and United Ideologies.

United Nations and United Ideologies.
The United Nations is the name of a group of sovereign states gathered for the purpose of breaking a common ground for world peace, balanced human development, ensuring fundamental rights and other lofty but achievable ideals. The United Nations since its emergence has strived, through its organs and agencies, to break such a common ground with the consent of the member states. The member states, all of them being sovereign, cannot and could not surrender even a fraction of their sovereignty to the United Nations, instead, it is the forum to ensure the same. By joining the UN, the nations of the world have added something more to their sovereignty which can be named as super sovereignty. This means that the purpose of the nations of the world to join the UN is not only to ensure their sovereignty but also to join a club where their sovereignty can be felt, realized, acknowledged, honoured and respected. In the absence of a world organization like the UN, the way to make the nations of the world realize the sovereignty of a particular state only runs through the pass of power and dominance which in its turn is itself a negation of the very sovereignty of the others. Another possibility for a nation to get its sovereignty acknowledged and respected by other nations is signing of bilateral and multilateral treaties with the threatening nations, but convincing such nations to enter into such treaties is again the outcome of an international convention for the respect of sovereignty, which convention, it is evident that the very UN has recognized and promoted. The world today is fully convinced that the only sure and concrete way to world peace is the respect of the sovereignty of other nations in all its international dealings and actions. 
Having admitted the above described role and stature of the UN it now becomes logical to expect from the UN to provide sure solutions to the threats to peace around the globe particularly when the world has become uni-polar and there is no longer the impediment of cold war. The cold war was a period of tussle for the dominance over the other great power or the causing of collapse of the other great power, the rest of the world being arrayed with either of the two super powers. 
Still another barrier to breaking the common ground for respect of sovereignty is the conflict of ideology or faith. Again this conflict can be overcome on the same pattern of respect of sovereignty. As the sovereignty is inviolable under the recognized principles of international law so is the faith and ideology of any community of the world. It is true that the geographical boundaries of the nations of the world do not, in all the cases, coincide with those of the ideological communities. Some ideological communities, generally with large followings, are transnational. While other ideological communities, generally with small followings, may also be trans-borders. On the other hand, within the geographical borders of a nation state, there may be more than one ideological communities. Ideology of a community, like sovereignty, cannot be trampled or neglected. Even there are declared ideological states in existence on the globe, and members of the UN. Given the situation that the UN is a club of nations and states and not that of ideologies, but the concept and practice of local and regional treaties and alliances occupies a prominent place in the whole body of International Law. Some of such local and regional alliances and treaties are, de facto or de jure, ideological alliances, serving the very purposes and aims of the UN. An organ under the umbrella of the UN may coordinate and promote the trend, culture and convention of such ideological alliances, thus honouring the cherished goal of peaceful co-existence on our planet


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