THYRAZOL, Carbimazol

Tablet (Antithyroid Agent)
Each tablet contains:
5mg carbimazole B.P
Bottle of 100 tablets
USES: Recommended as the anti-thyroid drug choice in medical treatment of thyrotoxicosis and before or in conjuction with thyroidectomy and radio-iodine therapy.
Initial Dose:
For Adults: Mild cases 3-4 tablets in divided doses.
Moderate cases 6 tablets in divided doses.
Severe cases 8-9 tablets in divided doses.
( daily in divided dose tampering be taken orally)
For Children: 3 tablets daily in divided to be taken orally.
Maintenance:1/2 4 tablets daily in divided once symptoms are controlled.
SUGGESTED PRE- OPERATIVE TREARTMENT: Thyrazol should be administered in doses ranging from 15 mg to 45 mg daily in divided doses depending on the severity of the case for 2-4 weeks to render the patients euthyroid. About 10 days before operation Thyrazol should be withdrawn and potassium lodide 0.1gm, Given once daily by mouth until operation.
CHANGE OVER FROMTHIOURACILS: One 5 mg tablet of Thyrazol can be taken as equivalent


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